Kakyo Castle is a major town added as part of the Ikebukuro/Chain of Curse update. Players can enter the town as soon as New World quest is completed. (essentially the quest that allows for entrance into Ikebukuro)
The town houses many points of interest. Many parts of the town require the player to pay with Kreuz. (alternate currency)
The zone also comes with cool background music tracks, you can listen to them in either Rafael's vid or on the official site.
Players entering the town will be immediately greeted by shopping stands near the entrance at where they can buy miscellaneous goods and fancy consumables (in instant buff form) from any of the following sellers (stands):
George - A cheerful dude who sells ramen.
Red Ramen - For a duration of 10 minutes raises fire resistance and fire damage when this choice is selected. ※player obtains the buff immediately after selecting the option
Blue Ramen - For a duration of 10 minutes raises ice resistance and icedamage when this choice is selected. ※player obtains the buff immediately after selecting the option
Yellow Ramen - For a duration of 10 minutes raises elec resistance and elec damage when this choice is selected. ※player obtains the buff immediately after selecting the option
Green Ramen - For a duration of 10 minutes raises force resistance and force damage when this choice is selected. ※player obtains the buff immediately after selecting the option
Zari - A lively lady who sells flowers
Gerbera - A gift item to be used in Love-Time System
Lily - A gift item to be used in Love-Time System
Rose - A gift item to be used in Love-Time System
Gen - Suspicious seller of questionable junk.
Spine Stew - Inflicts any of common negative ailments when you consume it.
Grilled Insect Livers - Inflicts any of common negative ailments when you consume it.
Sweet Dried Bark - Inflicts charm when you consume it.
Makito - Sells delicious snacks that enhance your body and senses.
Bishi-Bashi Snack - For the period of 10 minutes raises close ranged damage. ※player obtains the buff immediately after selecting the option
Bakyūn Snack - For the period of 10 minutes raises long ranged damage. ※player obtains the buff immediately after selecting the option
Zubān Snack - For the period of 10 minutes raises magic damage. ※player obtains the buff immediately after selecting the option
※- The names likely stand for comic sound effects, appropriately to what the snack boosts, Bakyun as in *Pew* etc.
Aisa - Runs street lottery, you can get a lot of random junk for 2 Kreuz.
Items are mostly crap clothing such as Chiffon Skirt, Tube Tops, Sandals etc.
Yagiya - Sells what Yagi usually sell.
After completion of the "Insane World" quest he will also sell you Casino Charm, an item required in order to enter Golden Ark, for 500k Macca.
Very ineffective way to obtain the Charm as players may also get one from dating Pixie in Hourai Club. (likely slower of course)
You will also get map of the area from Yagi after completing Insane World so it may as well be worth doing it.
Apart from common facilities (such as Curious magic shop and Yagiya) the town also houses the following major points of interest:
Golden Ark Casino

Is a facility located roughly in the middle of Kakyojo. A Casino Charm is required in order to enter, after you hand over your Casino Charm you will get a valuable item titled "Golden Ark Member" and will be allowed to enter freely.
Casino Charm can either be obtained from dating Pixie or Yukari in Horai Club, from Yagiya in Kakyojo who will sell it for 500,000 Macca following the completion of "Insane World" quest and it can also be exchanged for credits within the Golden Ark itself, likely so you can bring more of your characters in there without the extra hassle.
Casino Charm is tradeable.
The interior is cross shaped with the counters located in the middle.
The casino houses a total of three different gambling activities for players to participate in, the Digital Devil Slot machine, the Jack Roulette and the Grigori Angels tower defense. (currently disabled)
There is a total of 32 Digital Devil slot machines located within the inner perimeter surrounding the main counters.
Two roulette tables, one on each side of the casino and a total of 32 Grigory Angel machines, eight on each end of the cross shaped Casino's interior.
Directly opposite to the main entrance there are doors that lead to the Arena part of the Casino.
Players can exchange credits for prizes either at the ground floor or in the VIP room. Entrance to the VIP room is only granted if the player is using a VIP ticket.
A VIP ticket is a consumable that grants an entry to the VIP room for a limited period of time. (24 hours or 7 days depending on which ticket you currently have)
As long as your VIP ticket is active, you can talk to the Imperial Guards and request an entry to the VIP room.
Majority of the more interesting casino prizes such as the 3000 Expertise unlock and Mada plug-in can only be obtained in the VIP room.
VIP tickets are tradeable however, one may get a 1 day period VIP ticket from dating Yukari in Horai Club both from her rank upgrade and random quests.
Do not waste your VIP ticket, they are rare.
Exchange rate for credits is as follows:
50 Kreuz - 500 Credits - 3 hour time limit for next purchase
99 Kreuz - 1000 Credits - 6 hour time limit for next purchase
196 Kreuz - 2000 Credits - 12 hour time limit for next purchase
388 Kreuz - 4000 Credits - 24 hour time limit for next purchase
576 Kreuz - 6000 Credits (??)
* Credits (Or coins as they are called in game) are not items. They are tied to your character much like BP. Keep that in mind when buying them, as you won't be able to trade any excess to your other characters.
* Among the lowest exchange rates for 388 Kreuz ever recorded was 613,000 macca, with default price of 3000 Macca this is nearly 50% of its default price.
Jack Roulette

A standard American roulette. (with 0 and 00)
Price of a single bet is 50 credits, equal to 10 Kreuz or less in case you choose the higher amounts of credits options which have tiny discount.
Kreuz can be bought for base price of 3000 macca/Kreuz. Exchange rate of Kreuz fluctuates much like any other item.
Inside bets can win you a jackpot while Outside bets win you a double of what you bet.
The jackpot amount is displayed in the upper right corner of the roulette screen.
Outside bets have a considerably higher chance of success, because it is essentially a 50% chance to win (was proven to be less because CAVE are cheating bαstαrds) while an inside bet is 1 to 38.
Jackpots can often be quite formidable however odds are proportionally low, players seeking to hunt for prizes without spending any macca are better off trying the Digital Devil slot machines instead.
Inside bets :
* Straight - you bet on either 0,00, 1 all the way to 36.
Outside bets :
* Manque - you bet only on 1to18
* Passe - you bet only on 19to36
* Rouge ou Noir - you bet on either the or . The example screenshot shows player betting on , the game highlights which ones are the black squares.
* Pair ou Impair - you bet on either the EVEN or the ODD.
Digital Devil Slot

Digital Devil slot is a very complex slot machine. Each play costs only 10 credits.
Angels of Grigori

※This content was implemented only for a short while and removed afterwards for further "balancing", there were no words about it being re-implemented in the future.
Angels of Grigori is a tower defense game, the objective of the game is to defend your castle in the upper part of the screen.
Each play requires you to have a minimum of 2000 casino credits (nearly 600k macca) these get converted into "victory points".
You place available units (analogous to towers in other TD games) in the first round, each tower has an "attack range" indicated by a blue radius around them.
Stats and cost of your units is displayed on their cards.
Enemies come in waves and you are to defeat them before they reach your castle, if they do health of your castle will be reduced. If the health of your castle reaches 0 the game is over.
Killing enemies gives you more victory points which you can either spend on new units and proceed in playing further or convert them back into casino credits at the end of each round.
Prize Exchange
Prizes can either be exchanged at the ground floor or in the VIP room. VIP room prize exchange contains prizes that are not available on the ground floor.
Despite the popular belief, playing casino gambles is a perfectly viable way of obtaining casino credits.
Credit purchase has a cooldown, moreover aiming for any of the top-end prizes with macca alone is virtually impossible. We would be talking about billions of macca and years of trading in kreuz.
Players aiming to purchase any prizes without spending macca should give Digital Devil slot machines a try. Top hitters in these are rumored to make 20,000 credits (1000 expertise unlock) in an hour.
The roulette is much faster and simpler, however it is either a hit or a miss. While Digital Devil is very cheap to participate in and there are virtually no losses.
As you can see expertise unlocks are in fact among the very cheap prizes.
Prize Exchange - ground floor
777,777,777 - Orb of Promise (brilliance) * a Demon force item that grants the demon 100% Negate all magic DF passive.
777,777 - Dazzling Sunlight * Zhu Que plugin.
50,000 - Random Minor Arcana Tarot (reversed) * Tarots that boost demon performance.
20,000 - 1000 Expertise points unlock * This can only be bought once from either the ground floor or VIP room.
1,500 - HEPA * Consumable to be used with Cultivation (item slotting).
1,200 - Sequencer Touch ※ A sequencer to be used with armor modding.
800 - Zip (x2.0) * A cabinet used in armor modding, has double the success rate of a regular Zip.
500 - Casino Charm * Same item as the one required in order to enter the casino.
100 - Kakyo Castle Traesto 5cnt
50 - Hourai Charm * A talisman that doubles affection gauge gain in Love-Time system.
25 - Kakyo Castle Traesto 1cnt
10 - Zip * a cabinet used in armor modding.
Prize Exchange - VIP room
777,777,777 - Orb of Promise (brilliance) * a Demon force item that grants the demon 100% Negate all magic DF passive.
7,777,777 - Twilight Story * Mada plugin.
1,111,111 - Authentic Record of Hell * Plugin for Big Dipper Beiji Weng.
888,888 - Random Holy relic piece * Relics for rebirths etc.
80,000 - 3000 Expertise points unlock * This can only be bought once.
50,000 - Random Minor Arcana Tarot (reversed) * Tarots that boost demon performance.
20,000 - 1000 Expertise points unlock * This can only be bought once from either the ground floor or VIP room.
5,000 - Magnifique Box A * Contains a random material for armor modding
1,500 - HEPA * Consumable to be used with Cultivation (item slotting).
1,200 - Sequencer Touch * A sequencer to be used with armor modding.
800 - Zip (x2.0) * A cabinet used in armor modding, has double the success rate of a regular Zip.
500 - Casino Charm * Same item as the one required in order to enter the casino.
100 - Kakyo Castle Traesto 5cnt
25 - Kakyo Castle Traesto 1cnt
10 - Zip * a cabinet used in armor modding.
Hourai Club [Love-Time System]

Hourai (or Horai) Club is a facility located in Kakyo, it houses majority of Love-Time system interaction NPCs, with the exception of Oboro who is in Home 3.
The Bartender is also located here, he will exchange your Luxuria Rum (Last item in first row on the picture) for Guede plug-in.
Love-Time System (also known as Interaction-Time System) is a dating simulator of sorts that makes players interact with various NPCs on a daily basis.
There is total of 5 characters to interact with. Aoi, Yukari, Pixie and Dominion who are located within the Horai club itself and Oboro who can be found in Home 3.
Talking to an NPC immediately triggers Love-Time system and a 20 hour cooldown, during which you cannot talk to any of the other NPCs.
Using a premium consumable "Horai Club VIP ticket" you can talk to the NPCs regardless of your remaining cooldown. (only works on the NPCs within Horai club)
When Love-Time system is initiated, a countdown appears. During this time you are to answer questions given by the character you are interacting with.
Answering these questions will raise your affection gauge.
Randomly, the last question may be replaced with a quest, these quests need to be completed in order to talk to the NPC again.
Objectives of these quests vary from person to person.
Your affection gauge gain is doubled while wearing a Horai Charm (casino prize, 5th item in the first row on the picture).
Wearing certain equipment also grants a boost to affection gauge gain. (see below)
Raising your gauge to a certain point will allow you to gift NPCs with various items before the conversation starts, doing so raises the affection gain as well.
This can be either gems, consumables or flowers. All available flowers can be bought from Zari outside on the streets of Kakyo Castle.
Much like with demons, levels of affection with NPCs are indicated by ranks (ranges from "Acquaintances" to "Linked by Bond")
Filling up an entire gauge triggers a special quest that differs from NPC to NPC, completing this quest raises your affection rank up.
Completing the final quest also gives you either an exclusive Dress which grants a voice emote when worn or a demon.
Emotes are voiced over by major Japanese voice actors such as Kana Hanazawa, the voice of many major characters of such shows as Bakemonogatari, Durarara!!, Darker than black, Blue Exorcist, .hack// and many others.
Unfortunately they may be subject to license and may not arrive onto the international server.
You can visit the NPC even after maxing out the affection gauge.
Doing so may sometimes reward you with an item (once again, this varies from NPC to NPC)
Oboro - Home 3
A Hua Po lady, She likes any of the flowers, she will also accept gems such as Diamonds, Sapphires and Pearls.
However she will refuse common gems such as Jades.
- Her random quests exclusively consist of "fetch" tasks. She will ask players for gems, consumables, cards, crafting elements and accessories (such as Garm Collar)
- Her final quest is to bring her a Lucky Hua Po, she will reward the player with a Hazy Moon dress (red dress on the picture)
* Wearing Hazy Moon gives the player voice emote of Oboro. This dress cannot be traded.
* Once you max out her affection gauge you may watch her concert in Horai club.
* After maxing her affection gauge, players may randomly get an Incense of Mastery(small)NT when talking to her.
* Wearing Lovers or Hanoun Avatar raises her affection gauge gain.
Yukari - Horai Club
An emo girl wearing a blue dress, horns and a facial expression of a Tao Tie. She likes mostly candies (candies can be obtained dating Oboro instead) but won't reject any of the flowers.
- Objectives of her quests are essentially bringing her Kreuz for which she will trade random items. The most expensive trade is worth of ~7.5 million macca.(in Kreuz)
* however reward for this quest is the rare VIP ticket for Golden Ark, she does however give one in her third affection rank quest which only requires you to kill certain demons.
- Her final quest is to bring her a Tao Tie, she will reward the player with a Violet Moon dress (blue dress on the picture)
* Wearing Violet Moon gives the player voice emote of Yukari. This dress cannot be traded.
* After maxing her affection gauge, players may randomly get an Orb of Promise(Loop) when talking to her.
* Orb of Promise(Loop) raises Demon Force gauge by 1 (just like if any other item was used) but it has no other effect nor limitation.
* Wearing certain dolls such as Servant Spirit or Puppet raises her affection gauge gain.
Aoi - Horai Club
Aoi wears purple furisode kimono. She likes any of the flowers but mostly Lillies.
- Aoi's quests are considerably harder, she asks players for high level demons such as Arahabaki or rare in-game equipment such as Futsu-no-Mitama or Kusanagi.
- Her final quest is to bring her an Ameno-Uzume, she will reward the player with a Blue Moon dress (purple dress on the picture)
* Wearing Blue Moon gives the player voice emote of Aoi. This dress cannot be traded.
* After maxing her affection gauge, players may randomly get a Kakyo Castle Traesto stone when talking to her.
* Wearing Furisode raises her affection gauge gain.
Pixie - Horai Club
Pixie is .. a Pixie in Horai Club, she loves Aquamarines and Melons.
- Pixie asks players to defeat certain demons or bring her others. Her hardest quest is to bring her a Lucky Pixie.
- Her final quest is to defeat Strong Wife Titania (Quartz Silver boss) she will reward the player with a Pixie of Dreams.
* Pixie of Dreams is a special version of pixie with semi exclusive Eternal Rest skill, she also has + Curative feature instead one of her original features.
* It is recommended to date Pixie, her first affection rank upgrade quest rewards the player with Casino Charm (4th item on the picture) which is required in order to enter the Golden Ark.
* After maxing her affection gauge, players may randomly get a Kiss of Love when talking to her.
* Wearing Pixie Wings raises her affection gauge gain.
Dominion - Horai Club
Dominion in Horai Club, he likes Melons and Turquoises.
- He only asks the players for Soul Stones. The most costly SS he will ask for is Morrigan.
- Dominion's final request is to bring him an Uriel (inexperienced one won't do) he will reward the player with a Flurry Dominion.
* Flurry Dominion is a lvl 1 variant of Dominion with extra +Force damage and drain Force features, he also learns Mazandyne and Megidoraon quite soon.
* "Flurry" stands for special kind of snow flurry that occurs during periods when snow is uncommon, it is common in mountainous regions in Japan when strong wind blows snow away from mountaintops.
Causing snow to "fall" in lower areas even during hot months.
* After maxing his affection gauge, players may randomly get a Cup of Twilight when talking to him.
* Wearing Messian Robe raises his affection gauge gain.
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