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Mitama stats/features
Ace Frost
Lvl 47 Demigod
Crit 40 Crit def 50
Weak: --
Repel: Fire, Ice
Drain: --
Negate: --
Resist: Expel, Death
Unmelting Mind of Justice
Crit, Crit Def, Phys Def, Mag Def + Lv x 0.43
Ice Boost
+50% Ice
Dark Hero
Attack +100%, Counter +100%, Clench 20%
Signature Skills:
Satisfaction 2 - 93
+200 Crit
Lvl 32 Entity
Crit 30 Crit def 5
Weak: Elec
Repel: Force
Drain: --
Negate: Expel
Resist: Blunt, Suicide
+100% Fire resistance: Urizen in PT
+100% Ice resistance: Tharmas in PT
+100% Electric resistance: Urthona in PT
+100% Force resistance: Luvah in PT
Lvl 34 Entity
Crit 30 Crit def 5
Weak: FOrce
Repel: Elec
Drain: --
Negate: Expel
Resist: Blunt, Suicide
+100% Fire resistance: Urizen in PT
+100% Ice resistance: Tharmas in PT
+100% Electric resistance: Urthona in PT
+100% Force resistance: Luvah in PT
Lvl 36 Entity
Crit 30 Crit def 5
Weak: Ice
Repel: Fire
Drain: --
Negate: Expel
Resist: Blunt, Suicide
+100% Fire resistance: Urizen in PT
+100% Ice resistance: Tharmas in PT
+100% Electric resistance: Urthona in PT
+100% Force resistance: Luvah in PT
Lvl 38 Entity
Crit 30 Crit def 5
Weak: Fire
Repel: Ice
Drain: --
Negate: Expel
Resist: Blunt, Suicide
+100% Fire resistance: Urizen in PT
+100% Ice resistance: Tharmas in PT
+100% Electric resistance: Urthona in PT
+100% Force resistance: Luvah in PT
Lvl 65 Entity
Crit 30 Crit def 10
Weak: --
Repel: Ice
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Magic, Nerve, Mind, Death, All Physical
Resist: Slash, Charge, Blunt, Handgun, Penetrate, Spread, Suicide (0%)
+100% Fire resistance: Urizen in PT
+100% Ice resistance: Tharmas in PT
+100% Electric resistance: Urthona in PT
+100% Force resistance: Luvah in PT
Ice Boost:
+50% Ice
lvl x 0.1 null Charge
Kenpo Kill:
lvl x 0.1 null Blunt
White Majesty
+25% melee damage, -50% HP cost, HP/MP cost of summoner -30%
Lvl 75 Entity
Crit 48 Crit def28
Weak: --
Repel: Handgun(50%), Penetrate(50%), Spread(50%), All Physical(30%)
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Death, Magic, Nerve, Mind
Resist: Slash, Charge, Blunt, Handgun, Penetrate, Spread, Suicide, Almighty, Fire, Ice, Elec, Force
Moon Goddess
Synth High Boost
Magic Govern
-30% MP Cost
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
Healing Type
+50% Curative
Immovable Kuroichi
Coodown - 50%, Curative +50%, Lv x1% Null all Magic
Signature Skills:

Lvl 15 Soul
Crit 50 Crit def 0
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Death, Magic, Nerve, Mind
Resist: --
Four Souls
If Aramitama in party: Close range+50
If Nigimitama in party: Spell+50
If Kushimitama in party: Long Range+50
If Sakimitama in party: Crit+200
Signature Skills:

Lvl 19 Soul
Crit 50 Crit def 0
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Death, Magic, Nerve, Mind
Resist: --
Four Souls
If Aramitama in party: Close range+50
If Nigimitama in party: Spell+50
If Kushimitama in party: Long Range+50
If Sakimitama in party: Crit+200
Signature Skills:

Lvl 22 Soul
Crit 50 Crit def 0
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Death, Magic, Nerve, Mind
Resist: --
Four Souls
If Aramitama in party: Close range+50
If Nigimitama in party: Spell+50
If Kushimitama in party: Long Range+50
If Sakimitama in party: Crit+200
Signature Skills:

Lvl 25 Soul
Crit 50 Crit def 0
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Death, Magic, Nerve, Mind
Resist: --
Four Souls
If Aramitama in party: Close range+50
If Nigimitama in party: Spell+50
If Kushimitama in party: Long Range+50
If Sakimitama in party: Crit+200
Signature Skills:

Lvl 15 Fenme
Crit 50 Crit def 30
Weak: Expel
Repel: --
Drain: Death
Negate: Death, Ice, Nerve
Resist: --
Death Crazy
-30% Damage received from Reaper family.
Nerve Boost
+50% Nerve
Miserable Offspring of Death
+50 Crit
+30% ailments
+30% spin
Signature Skills:

Lvl 50 Fenme
Crit 50 Crit def 35
Weak: --
Repel: Mind, Magic(50%)
Drain: Expel
Negate: Expel, Penetrate(60%), Spread(50%), Handgun(40%)
Resist: Death, Magic
-50% cooldown
Might of Curse
-50% cooldown
+20% ailments
lvl x 1% slash null
Mind Induct
+50% Mind
Signature Skills:
Amaterasu Female

Lvl 94 Heavenly God
Crit 30 Crit def 50
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: Fire
Negate: Fire, Expel, Death
Resist: Mind, Nerve, Magic
Three Precious Children
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Amaterasu: +10 INT
Tsukuyomi: +10 MAG
Susano-O: +10 STR
The Heavens
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Amaterasu: +10 STR
Omoikane: +10 MAG
Ameno-Uzume: +10 LCK
God of Demons
-30% Damage received from God family.
+50% Spell damage
Goddess of Sun
+50% Spell damage
+50% Fire
+50% Elec
Signature Skills:
Heavenly Bow - 95
Handgun, Rapid, Long-Range Based, Modifier 125, Cooldown 5 second, 6 MP, 2 activation
Amaterasu Male

Lvl 84 Heavenly God
Crit 30 Crit def 50
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: Fire
Negate: Fire, Expel, Death
Resist: Mind, Nerve, Magic
Three Precious Children
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Amaterasu: +10 INT
Tsukuyomi: +10 MAG
Susano-O: +10 STR
The Heavens
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Amaterasu: +10 STR
Omoikane: +10 MAG
Ameno-Uzume: +10 LCK
God of Demons
-30% Damage received from God family.
Distant Prayer
+100% Curative
Goddess of Sun
+100% Curative
+50% Fire
+50% Elec
Signature Skills:
Divine Blast - 88
Expel, Frontal Spin, Melee Based, Mod 10, 10% of the enemy HP, Cooldown 360 second, 20% HP/20% MP/200 MAG, Cannot be Inherited

Lvl 93 Dragon
Crit 8 Crit def 33
Weak: Slash, Handgun
Repel: Force
Drain: --
Negate: Nerve(80%), Mind(80%), Death(80%), Expel(80%)
Resist: Expel, Death, Elec, Force, Nerve
+10% Limit break occurrence if Vishnu is in the party.
Distant Prayer
+100% Curative
The Greatest Fruit
-100% HP Cost for all skills
Ice Boost
+50% Ice
Dragon King
+50% Ice
+30% Spin
-30% Cool time of Ice based skills
Signature Skills:
Mighty Swing of Destruction - 94
(+20% Close Range damage)
Satisfaction 2 - 94
(+200 crit)

Lvl 70 Raptor
Crit 50 Crit def 30
Weak: Handgun, Penetrate, Spread, Ice, Force, Nerve
Repel: --
Drain: Fire, Expel, Death
Negate: Fire, Expel, Death
Resist: Slash, Blunt, Charge
Force Boost
+50% Force
A Feather in the Wind
+20% Force
lvl x 1% slash null
Dust Whirl
+1 Activation for Force based skills
Signature Skills:

Lvl 56 Destroyer
Crit 60 Crit def 45
Weak: Mind, Nerve
Repel: Blunt, Charge
Drain: --
Negate: All Physical
Resist: Slash, Death
The Fruits of Labor
-50% HP cost for all skills
The Greatest Fruit
-100% HP cost for all skills
Strong Arm
+20% Blunt
+50% Slash
+50% Blunt
+50 Crit
Signature Skills:
Satisfaction 2 - 77
(+200 crit)
Melee Booster - 93
(+25% Close range)
Asura Cerberus

Lvl 70 Beast
Crit 30 Crit def 38
Weak: Ice
Repel: Fire
Drain: --
Negate: Fire, Expel(80%), Death(80%), Magic
Resist: Expel, Death, Magic, Nerve, Mind, Electric, Force
-50% cool down
Fire Boost
+50% Fire
Flame Eater
lvl*.1% drain fire
Great Wit
-50% mp cost
Traveller of the Road of Pride
-30% hp cost, -50% mp cost, +20% Rush
Signature Skills:
Phlegethon - 77
Fire, Rush, Melee based, 130 Modifier, Cooldown 4 seconds, Incant 2.5 seconds, 8% HP.
(70% Burn)
Reflect Ice - 81
(Ice Repel)
Gate of Hell – 87
Almighty, Shot, Spell based, 200 Modifier(HP based) and 30% stone, Cooldown 120 seconds, Incant 15 seconds,10% MP, aoe
Phyriphelgethon - 90
Fire, Rush, Melee based, 270 Modifier, Cooldown 6 seconds, Incant 2.6 seconds, 12% HP.
(70% Burn)

Lvl 72 God
Crit 50 Crit def 40
Weak: Mind, Nerve
Repel: Expel, Death
Drain: --
Negate: Magic, Nerve, Charge
Resist: Charge, Fire, Ice, Blunt
Ferocious Stance
+25% Slash
+30% Blunt
Strong Arm
+20% Blunt
Flashing Fist
+50% Slash
+50% Blunt
-30% Cast time for Slash based skills
-30% Cast time for Blunt based skills
The Fruits of Labor
-50% HP cost for all skills
Daigensi Myo
-80% HP cost for all skills
+20% Melee damage
Signature Skills:
Clenching - 94
Passive skill that grants 50% chance to escape death if subjected to lethal damage. Cannot be inherited
(50% Escape Death)
Mahamaon - 95
Expel, Shot, Spell Based, 450 Modifier, Cooldown 300 seconds, 40 MP, 24 MAG, aoe
(10% Instant Death)
Hades Blast - 96
Charge, Spin, Melee Based + Spell Based + Long Range Based, 280 Modifier, Cooldown 25 seconds, 10 MAG

Lvl 56 Fenme
Crit 20 Crit def 20
Weak: Elec
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Death, Mind, Magic (50%)
Resist: --
Boost of Four Gates
+25% Fire
+25% Force
+25% Ice
+25% Elec
-50% Cool time for all skills
Hand of Fate
+30% Expel
+30% Death
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
Magical Thread of Life
+50% Magic
-50% Cast time for Magic-based skills
-50% MP cost for Magic-based skills
Signature Skills:
Force Booster - 91
(+25% Force)
Immunity 2 - 95
(+100 Ailment resistance)

Lvl 92 Fallen Angel
Crit 45 Crit def 45
Weak: Ice, Force
Repel: --
Drain: Magic
Negate: Expel, Death, Magic, Mind, Nerve, Fire
Resist: Charge, Slash, Blunt, Suicide
The Fruits of Labor
-50% HP cost for all skills
The one of God's Image
+30% Close range damage
+30% Almighty
Greatest Wit
-100% MP cost for all skills
Goat of Atonement
+20% Ailment Landing Rate
+10 Luck for all party members
Signature Skills:
Venom Zapper - default
Slash, Rush, Melee Based, 170 Modifier, Cooldown 4 seconds, 10% HP, Inheritance requires weapon tag.
(70% Poison)
Satisfaction 2 - 93
(+200 crit)
Black Frost

Lvl 42 Nocturne
Crit 25 Crit def 45
Weak: --
Repel: Fire, Ice, Death
Drain: --
Negate: Expel
Resist: Nerve, Mind, Spread
Ice Boost
+50% Ice
Mind Induct
+50% Mind
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
Sorcery Torrent
-70% Cool time for all skills
-50% Cast time for all skills
Signature Skills:
Mamuddon - 90
Death, Shot, Spell Based, 450 Modifier, Cooldown 300 seconds, 40 MP/24 MAG
(10% Instant Death)

Lvl 69 Holy Beast
Crit 20 Crit def 30
Weak: Fire, Death, Penetrate, Long Range
Repel: --
Drain: Elec(50%), Elec, Ice, Force(50%)
Negate: Ice, Expel
Resist: Force, Charge, Elec, Blunt
Ice Boost
+50% Ice
Four Beast Gods
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Zhu Que: +10 MAG.
Qing Long: +50 MAX HP.
Bai Hu: +10 STR.
Xuan Wu: +10 VIT.
Strong Arm
+20% Blunt
Electric Reserve
lvl * 1% drain Electricity
Brave Heart
+ LvL * 1 crit
+ LvL * 1 crit defense
Signature Skills:
Electric Booster - 96
(+25% Elec)

Lvl 85 Godly Beast
Crit 50 Crit def 20
Weak: Death
Repel: Expel
Drain: Elec, Charge
Negate: Magic, Mind
Resist: Magic, Mind, Fire, Ice, Nerve
Magic Govern
-30% MP cost for all skills
Electricity Boost
+50% Elec
Banas Pati
+50% Expel
+50 Ailment Resistance
Signature Skills:
Shockwave - 95
Elec, Spin, Spell Based, 220 Modifier, Cooldown 6.5 seconds, 15 MP/15 MAG
(70% Shock)
Beelzebub Fly

Lvl 95 Tyrant
Crit 0 Crit def 0
Weak: --
Repel: Expel, Death
Drain: --
Negate: Magic, Nerve, Mind
Resist: Ice, Elec, Force, Magic, Mind, Nerve, Blunt, Slash, Charge
Lord of the Flies
+30% Spell Damage
+100 Ailment resistance
The One Who Reigns the Gluttony
+100% Death
Greatest Wit
-100% MP cost for all skills
Electricity Boost
+50% Elec
Thunderous Rising
+50% Elec
-50% Cool time for Electricity-based skills.
Signature Skills:
Tentarafoo - 96
Mind, Shot Frontal Spin, Spell Based, Modifier 180, Cooldown 10 seconds, 20 MP
(80% Panic)
Shining Eye - 96
Death, Shot, Spell Based, Modifier 450, Cooldown 0.5 second, 18 MP/20 MAG, Cannot be Inherited.
(18% Instant Death, 100% Stone)
Funeral of Fly - 98
Almighty, Spin, Spell Based, Modifier 250, Cooldown 1 sec, Incant 3 sec, 1% MP/6 MAG, Cannot be Inherited
(100% Curse)
Beelzebub Human

Lvl 85 Tyrant
Crit 2 Crit def 15
Weak: --
Repel: Expel, Death
Drain: --
Negate: Magic, Nerve, Mind
Resist: Ice, Elec, Force, Magic, Mind, Nerve
The One Who Reigns the Gluttony
+100% Death
Great Wit
-50% MP cost for all skills
The Fruits of Labor
-50% HP cost for all skills
Electricity Boost
+50% Elec
Thunderous Rising
+50% Elec
-50% Cool time for Electricity-based skills.
Signature Skills:
Tentarafoo - 93
Mind, Shot Frontal Spin, Spell Based, Modifier 180, Cooldown 10 seconds, 20 MP/20 MAG
(80% Panic)
Black Rider

Lvl 65 Fiend
Crit 66 Crit def 18
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: Ice, Expel, Death
Negate: Expel, Death, Magic, Nerve, Mind
Resist: --
Raised Spirit
+30% Nerve
+40% Mind
-40% Cool Time for all skills
-75% MP Cost for all skills
Miserable Offspring of Death
+50 Crit
+30% Spin
+30% Ailment landing rate
Signature Skills:
Repel Elec - 92
Reflects Electricity based skills up to three times.
(Elec repel)

Lvl 55 Holy Beast
Crit 20 Crit def 30
Weak: Ice, Mind, Nerve
Repel: Fire
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Magic(50%), Death(50%)
Resist: Death, Penetrate, Handgun, Spread
Fire Boost
+50% Fire
LvL * 0.3 Negate all magic
LvL * 0.3 Close-Range damage
Signature Skills:
Fire Booster - 96
(+25% Fire)

Lvl 48 Fenme
Crit 20 Crit def 30
Weak: Force
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Death, Mind(50%)
Resist: --
-50% Cool time for all skills
Hand of Fate
+30% Expel
+30% Death
Healing Kind
+50% Curative
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
Magical Thread of Life
+50% Magic
-50% Cast time for Magic-based skills
-50% MP cost for Magic-based skills
Signature Skills:
Journey to Eternal Rest - 92
Nerve, Curative, Spell Based, Modifier 400, Cooldown 6 second, 50 MP
Deals damage to all asleep enemies in range.
Immunity 2 - 63
(+100 Ailment resistance)

Lvl 55 Fiend
Crit 50 Crit def 60
Weak: --
Repel: Expel, Death
Drain: Magic, Mind, Nerve
Negate: Nerve, Penetrate, Handgun, Spread
Resist: Penetrate, Handgun, Spread
Mind Induct
+50% Mind
Distant Prayer
+100% Curative
Sorcery Torrent
-70% Cool time for all skills
-50% Cast time for all skills
Great Wit
-50% MP cost for all skills
-50% MP cost for all skills
+30% Expel
+30% Death
+30% Mind
Signature Skills:
Mahamaon - 95
Expel, Shot, Spell Based, 450 Modifier, Cooldown 300 seconds, 40 MP, 24 MAG, aoe
(10% Instant Death)
Mamudoon - 93
Death, Shot, Spell Based, 450 Modifier, Cooldown 300 seconds, 40 MP/24 MAG, aoe
(10% Instant Death)
Negate Expel - 91
Support, Curative, Support based, --, Cooldown 0 second, 7 MP/10 MAG
(Expel Negate)
Purity and Poison - 75
Mind, Shot Frontal Spin, Spell Based, Modifier 100, Cooldown 6 seconds, MP 14/10 MAG, Cannot be Inherited
(90% Charm, 85% Sleep, 80% Muddle)
Meditation - 57
Almighty, Shot, Support Based, Modifier 70, Cooldown 33 seconds, 30 MAG, Cannot be Inherited, single
( HP and MP Recover)

Lvl 41 Evil Demon
Crit 20 Crit def 20
Weak: Magic, Penetrate
Repel: --
Drain: Elec
Negate: Ice(25%), Force(50%)
Resist: Mind, Expel, Death, Ice, Elec, Force, Spread, Handgun
Magic Govern
-30% MP cost for all skills
lvl x 1% slash null
Electricity Boost
+50% Elec
Miserable Offspring of Death
+50 Crit
+30% Spin
+30% Ailment landing rate
Signature Skills:
Negate Electric - 62
Support, Curative, Support based, --, Cooldown 0 seconds, 7 MP/10 MAG
(Elec Negate)

Lvl 42 Yoma
Crit 45 Crit def 40
Weak: Ice
Repel: Fire
Drain: --
Negate: Force, Elec
Resist: Mind, Nerve, Expel, Death
Magic Govern
-30% MP cost for all skills
lvl x 1% slash null
Fire Boost
+50% Fire
Explosive Blaze
+50% Fire
-50% Cool time for Fire-based skills
Signature Skills:
Negate Fire - 62
Support, Curative, Support based, --, Cooldown 0 seconds, 7 MP/10 MAG
(Fire Negate)

Lvl 75 Fallen Angel
Crit 30 Crit def 30
Weak: Slash, Charge, Ice, Force (normal) , Elec (normal) , Magic, Nerve
Repel: Death
Drain: Fire
Negate: Slash, Mind(50%)
Resist: Mind
Duke of Hell
+35 Close-r, +20 Phys.def
Step 32
- 30% HP cost for all skills
Ferocious Stance
+25% Slash, +30% Blunt
lvl x 1% slash null
-20% HP cost for all skills, +25 Vitality, Intelligence, Speed
Signature Skills:
Annihilation Slash - 95
Slash, Rush, Melee Based, Modifier 170, Cooldown 4 second, 10% HP

Lvl 94 Seraph
Crit 15 Crit def 16
Weak: Death
Repel: Expel
Drain: --
Negate: Fire, Elec, Force, Mind(50%)
Resist: Magic, Nerve, Mind
Electricity Boost
+50% Elec
Healing Type
+50% Curative
Force Boost
+50% Force
God's Messenger
+30% Expel
+30% Elec
Signature Skills:
Repel Elec - 96
Support, Curative, Support based, --, Cooldown 0 seconds, 7 MP/10 MAG
(Elec repel)
Electricity Booster - 97
(+25% Elec)

Lvl 69 Reaper
Crit 20 Crit def 20
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Death, Nerve, Mind(25%), Magic(50%), Mind
Resist: Magic, Slash, Blunt, Charge
-30% HP cost for all skills
Death Crazy
-30% Damage received from Reaper family.
Hand of Fate
+30% Expel
+30% Death
-30% Cast time of all skills, -30% Cool time of all skills
Signature Skills:

Lvl 83 Raptor
Crit 40 Crit def 10
Weak: Expel, Handgun, Penetrate
Repel: Death, Charge
Drain: Mind
Negate: Nerve, Mind
Resist: Fire, Ice, Force, Elec, Slash, Blunt
A Feather in the Wind
+20% Force
Force Boost
+50% Force
Magic Govern
-30% MP cost for all skills
Golden Wing
+30% Rush, +30% Shot, -30% Cool time for Rush, -30% Cool time for Shot
Signature Skills:
Mamudoon - 91
Death, Shot, Spell Based, 450 Modifier, Cooldown 300 seconds, 40 MP/24 MAG
(10% Instant Death)

Lvl 67 Demon God
Crit 50 Crit def 30
Weak: Ice
Repel: --
Drain: Elec
Negate: Expel, Death, Charge
Resist: Charge, Handgun, Magic, Nerve, Fire
Ferocious Stance
+25% Slash, +30% Blunt
Dragon Killer
+20% Damage vs Dragon species
The Greatest Fruit
-100% HP cost for all skills
Electricity Boost
+50% Elec
Shiti Huanyin
+50% Elec, +25% Close-Range Damage
Signature Skills:
Electricity Booster - 90
(+25% Elec)

Lvl 67 Destroyer
Crit 40 Crit def 35
Weak: Ice
Repel: --
Drain: Elec
Negate: Expel, Death, Charge
Resist: Charge, Handgun, Magic, Nerve, Fire
Ferocious Stance
+25% Slash, +30% Blunt
Dragon Killer
+20% Damage vs Dragon species
The Greatest Wit
-100% MP cost for all skills
Electricity Boost
+50% Elec
Roaring Clouds
+50% Elec, +25% Spell Damage
Signature Skills:
Satisfaction 2 - 90
(+200 crit)
Hades Blast - 95
Charge, Spin, Melee Based + Spell Based + Long Range Based, 280 Modifier, Cooldown 25 seconds, 22% HP/10 MAG

Lvl 96 Earth Mother
Crit 30 Crit def 30
Repel: Death, Expel, Magic
Drain: Nerve
Negate: Nerve, Mind
Resist: Fire, Ice, Suicide
Earth Mother Assist
Contributes to Synther skills dependent on Int and Luck.
Guardian of Royal Power
+50% Curative to Player
-50% HP Cost to Player
Breath of Victory
+50% Curative
-25% Cast time of all skills
-25% Cool time of all skills
Shining Star
+100% Curative
-50% Cast time of all skills
-50% Cool time of all skills
Signature Skills:

Lvl 94 Earth Mother
Crit 15 Crit def 10
Weak: Fire, Elec
Repel: Ice, Nerve, Mind
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Death, Penetrate
Resist: --
Ice Boost
+50% Ice
Breath of Victory
+50% Curative
-25% Cast time of all skills
-25% Cool time of all skills
Mother Earth Assist
Mother Earth who assists in fusion.
Veil of Truth
LvL * 1 Absorb Almighty
Signature Skills:
Freezing Booster - 97
(+25% Ice)
Jeanne D'Arc

Lvl 75 Fiend
Crit 28 Crit def 15
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Death, Nerve, Mind, Magic
Resist: Magic
Saint's Prayer
+100% Curative for all party members. Only applies on the party members in the same area.
The Greatest Fruit
-100% HP cost for all skills
-50% Cool time for all skills
Healing type
+50% Curative
Distant Prayer
+100% Curative
Signature Skills:
Penta Wall - 82
Curative, Support, --, --, Cooldown 10 seconds, 10 MP, Cannot be Inherited
(100% Makarakarn)
Maiden's Prayer - 91
Curative, Curative, --, --, Cooldown 10 seconds, 30 MP, Cannot be Inherited
Revives an ally with 100% of their HP.

Lvl 83 Destroyer
Crit 25 Crit def 40
Weak: Ice
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Fire, Elec
Resist: Mind, Handgun, Penetrate
Fire Boost
+50% Fire
lvl x 1% slash null
Rig Veda
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Brahma: Magic+10.
Vishnu: Speed+10.
Shiva: Strength+10
Falcon's Eye
+20% Handgun
+20% Penetration
God of Twelve Eyes
+60% Charge
+60% Handgun
+60% Penetration
Signature Skills:
Fire Booster X - 91
(+50% Fire)

Lvl 64 Evil Dragon
Crit 31 Crit def 30
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: Death, Nerve
Negate: Death, Nerve, Fire, Ice, Elec
Resist: Expel, Fire, Ice, Elec
Electricity Boost
+50% Elec
Negate Poison
Amassed Grudge
+30% Death
-30% Cool time for Death-based skills
-30% Cast time for Death-based skills
Signature Skills:

Lvl 28 Yoma
Crit 20 Crit def 30
Weak: Ice
Repel: --
Drain: Fire
Negate: Expel
Resist: Mind, Nerve, Fire, Electric, Handgun, Penetrate, Spread
Healing type
+50% Curative
lvl x 1% slash null
Negate Poison
Horse-Headed Maiden
+50% Magic
+Negate Poison and Muddle
-30% Cast time for all skills, +50% Nerve
Signature Skills:
Magic Blast - 95
Magic, Shot, Spell Based, 150 Modifier, Cooldown 0.1 seconds, 5 MP

Lvl 67 Demigod
Crit 45 Crit def 30
Weak: Charge
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Force, Magic, Mind, Slash
Resist: Nerve, Slash, Blunt, Death, Fire
Demon Destroyer's Sword
+50% Expel
+20% Slash
Force Boost
+50% Force
Force Master
+50% Force, -50% Cool time for Force-based skills.
-30% HP cost for all skills
White Beast Form
-30% HP cost for all skills, -40% Cool time for all skills
Signature Skills:
Force Booster - 90
(+25% Force)

Lvl 67 Haunt
Crit 35 Crit def 35
Weak: Fire
Repel: Ice
Drain: --
Negate: Death, Magic, Handgun, Spread
Resist: Expel, Handgun, Spread, Penetrate, Force
Ice Boost
+50% Ice
Mind Induct
+50% Mind
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
Magical Thread of Life
+50% Magic
-50% Cast time for Magic-based skills
-50% MP cost for Magic-based skills
lvl x 1% slash null
Black Beast Form
-30% MP cost for all skills
-40% Cool time for all skills
Signature Skills:
Freezing Booster - 91
(+25% Ice)

Lvl 63 Haunt
Crit 45 Crit def 20
Weak: Blunt, Charge, Slash, Force, Fire, Almighty, Suicide
Repel: --
Drain: 20% all damage
Negate: --
Resist: Expel, Death, Magic
Soul Devour
50% Absorb All Magic
50% Absorb All Physical
Rig Veda
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Brahma: Magic+10. Vishnu: Speed+10. Shiva: Strength+10
Guardians of South
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Zouchouten: Strength+10
Force Boost
+50% Force
Shackled Pursuit
+50% Force
-50% Cool time for Nerve based skills
+25% Ailment landing rate
Signature Skills:
Randomizer - 87
Support, Shot, Support Based, --, Cooldown 8 seconds,20 MP/20 MAG
(100% Tarunda, 100% Makanda, 100% Rakunda, 100% Samanda)

Lvl 51 Fenme
Crit 20 Crit def 30
Weak: Fire
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Magic, Nerve, Mind, Expel, Death
Resist: --
-50% Cool time for all skills
Hand of Fate
+30% Expel
+30% Death
The Greatest Wit
-100% MP cost for all skills
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
Magical Thread of Life
+50% Magic
-50% Cast time for Magic-based skills
-50% MP cost for Magic-based skills
Signature Skills:
Immunity 2 - 69
(+100 Ailment resistance)

Lvl 81 Goddess
Crit 78 Crit def 64
Weak: Elec, Force
Repel: Magic,Expel
Drain: Death
Negate: Mind, Nerve
Resist: --
Breath of Victory
+50% Curative
-25% Cast time of all skills
-25% Cool time of all skills
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
Rig Veda
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Brahma: Magic+10.
Vishnu: Speed+10.
Shiva: Strength+10
Greatest Wit
-100% MP cost for all skills
Flickering Sunlight
-100% MP cost for all skills
+ 10 MP recovery to all members in the party
+ 10 HP recovery to all members in the party
Signature Skills:
Randomizer - 86
Support, Shot, Support Based, --, Cooldown 8 seconds, 20 MP/20 MAG
(100% Tarunda, 100% Makanda, 100% Rakunda, 100% Samanda)
Leanan Sídhe

Lvl 41 Fenme
Crit 30 Crit def 20
Weak: Fire
Repel: Ice
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Death(50%), Death
Resist: Death, Magic, Mind, Nerve, Elec
Ice Boost
+50% Ice
Mind Induct
+50% Mind
Usurper of Youth's Vigour
-50% all Skills casting time
+lvl*0.3 Drain all Magic
Signature Skills:
Breaking Order Loki

Lvl 1 Tyrant
Crit 50 Crit def 10
Weak: Nerve, Force
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Magic, Mind, Death, Ice, Elec
Resist: Ice, Elec, Charge, Handgun, Spread, Penetrate, Expel
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Loki: Magic+10.
Surt: Strength+10
+30 Crit
+10% Melee Damage
+10% Magic Damage
Signature Skills:

Lvl 83 Vile
Crit 60 Crit def 20
Weak: Magic
Repel: --
Drain: All physical, Death
Negate: Death
Resist: Mind, Nerve, Fire(100%)
Rig Veda
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Brahma: Magic+10.
Vishnu: Speed+10.
Shiva: Strength+10
Strong Arm
+20% Blunt
Mind Induct
+50% Mind
Fire Boost
+50% Fire
Drunkyard of the Flaming Banquet
+60% Fire
-30% Cool time for Blunt based skills
-30% Cool time for Mind based skills
-30% Cool time Nerve based skills
Signature Skills:
The Great Drunk - default
Mind, Shot, Support Based, Modifier 50, Cooldown 10 seconds, 15 MP/10 MAG, Cannot be inherited
Deals Mind damage and inflicts ailments onto all enemies around the user.
(100% Drunkenness, 100% Muddle, 100% Sleep, 100% Panic)

Lvl 96 Seraph
Crit 100 Crit def 0
Weak: --
Repel: Expel
Drain: --
Negate: All Magic, Fire, Ice, Elec, Force
Resist: Fire, Ice, Elec, Force, Death, Magic, Mind, Nerve
The First Angel
+100% Expel
The one of God's Image
+30% Close range damage
+30% Almighty
-50% Cool time for all skills
Greatest Wit
-100% MP cost for all skills
General of Heaven
-100% MP cost for all skills
+ 10% Escape Death
Signature Skills:
Clenching - 98
Cannot be inherited
(50% Escape Death)

Lvl 67 Vile
Weak: Ice
Repel: Blunt
Drain: --
Negate: Nerve, Elec, Magic, Death
Resist: Magic, Charge, Penetrate, Death, Expel
Electricity Boost
+50% Elec
-50% Cool time for all skills
Nerve Wield
+ 50% Nerve
Hindering Rock
+90% Stone landing rate
+100% Nerve
+100% Mind
+150 Crit
Signature Skills:
Randomizer - 73
Support, Shot, Support Based, --, Cooldown 8 seconds, 20 MP/20 MAG
(100% Tarunda, 100% Makanda, 100% Rakunda, 100% Samanda)
Moh Shuvuu

Lvl 28 Raptor
Crit 40 Crit def 15
Weak: Spread, Penetrate, Handgun
Repel: --
Drain: Elec
Negate: Expel, Force
Resist: Suicide, Magic
Force Boost
+50% Force
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
Feather in the Wind
+20% Force
Mind Sucking Beak
+20% Nerve
+20% Force
+20% Charge
Signature Skills:
Vinyl Strike - 94
Suicide, Rush, Melee Based, 1000 Modifier(HP based), Incant 2.5 sec, 1% HP, inheritance requires slam tag, aoe
Mother Harlot
Lvl 93 Fiend
Crit 35 Crit def 30
Weak: Fire, Force, Almighty
Repel: All Physical, Elec
Drain: Magic, Mind, Nerve
Negate: Expel, Death, Magic, Nerve, Mind
Resist: --
The Great Babylon
Support + Lv x 1 , Party Luck - 10 , Crit +25, Crit Def +25
Electricity Boost
+ 50% Elec
Seven Hills of Rome
Cooldown -40%, MP Cost -100%, Ailments +30%
Signature Skills:
Erosion Hex - default
Cup of Babylon - 96
Shot, Almighty, Support, Mod 100, Range 120, Cd 12 sec, Incant 4,5 sec, 25 mp, 100% Charm and 70% Confusion
Shockwave - 97
Scarlet Illusion Mother Harlot
Lvl 50 Fiend
Crit 35 Crit def 30
Weak: Fire, Force, Almighty
Repel: Elec
Drain: --
Negate: All Physical (77%), Magic(77%), Nerve(77%), Mind(77%), Expel, Death
Resist: --
Scarlet Illusion
Incant - 70%, HP Cost -70%, Ailment +15%
Scarlet Illusion Mitama
Incant - 70%, HP Cost - 100%, Ailment + 30%
Signature Skills:
Shockwave - 95

Lvl 72 Goddess
Crit 50 Crit def 40
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Mind, Expel, Death, Nerve
Resist: Ice, Magic, Nerve
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Odin: +10 MGC
Valkyrie: +10 STR
Magic Torrent
+ 50% Magic
Magical Thread of Life
+50% Magic
-50% Cast time for Magic-based skills
-50% MP cost for Magic-based skills
Hand of Fate
+30% Expel
+30% Death
Weavers of the Well of Fate
+60% Expel
+60% Death
-60% Cool time for all skills
Signature Skills:
Mahamaon - 95
Expel, Shot, Spell Based, 450 Modifier, Cooldown 300 seconds, 40 MP/24 MAG, aoe
(10% Instant Death)

Lvl 72 Nocturne
Crit 65 Crit def 20
Weak: Slash, Blunt, Charge, Handgun, Spread, Penetrate
Repel: --
Drain: All Magic
Negate: Death, Nerve, Mind
Resist: Fire, Ice, Magic, Mind, Nerve, Force, Expel, Death
Sleepless Gunman
A demon that assists in crafting.
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
Mind Induct
+50% Mind
Primordial Chilling Darkness
+50% Death
+50% Ice
+20% Ailment landing rate
Signature Skills:
Randomizer - 85
Support, Shot, Support Based, --, Cooldown 8 seconds, 20 MP/20 MAG
(100% Tarunda, 100% Makanda, 100% Rakunda, 100% Samanda)
Tentarafoo - 87
Mind, Shot Frontal Spin, Spell Based, Modifier 180, Cooldown 10 seconds, 20 MP
(80% Panic)
Mamudoon - 95
Death, Shot, Spell Based, 450 Modifier, Cooldown 300 seconds, 40 MP/24 MAG, aoe
(10% Instant Death)
Dark Breath - default
Support, Curative, Support Based, --, --, 10 MP
(100% Rakukaja, 100% Makakaja)
Aurora of Eternal Night - 93
Support, Curative, Support Based, --, Cooldown 300 seconds, 40 MP/120 MAG
(Random 3: +50% Fire, +50% Ice, +50% Force, +50% Elec)
Pale Rider

Lvl 75 Fiend
Crit 75 Crit def 21
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: Ice, Magic
Negate: Expel, Death, Magic, Nerve, Mind, Ice
Resist: --
Death Demon Exasperation
+25% Magic damage
-40% Cool Time for all skills
-40% Cast Time for all skills
+50 Crit
Miserable Offspring of Death
+50 Crit
+30% Spin
+30% Ailment landing rate
Signature Skills:
Venom Zapper - 92
Slash, Rush, Melee Based, 170 Modifier, Cooldown 4 seconds, 10% HP, Inheritance requires weapon tag
(70% Poison)
Mamudoon - 96
Death, Shot, Spell Based, 450 Modifier, Cooldown 300 seconds, 40 MP/24 MAG, aoe
(10% Instant Death)
Freezing Booster - 95
(+25% Ice)

Lvl 56 Yoma
Crit 20 Crit def 40
Weak: Elec
Repel: --
Drain: Expel, Force
Negate: Expel, Force, Death, Slash
Resist: Magic, Blunt, Charge, Penetrate, Spread
Dragon Killer
+20% Damage vs Dragon species
+20% Slash
+150 Crit
Signature Skills:

Lvl 85 Fenme
Crit 50 Crit def 20
Weak: Elec, Fire, Ice, Force
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Blunt, Charge, Slash, Penetrate, Spread, Handgun, Magic, Nerve
Resist: Magic, Mind, Nerve, Death
Magic Govern
-30% MP cost for all skills
Nerve Wield
+50% Nerve
Child-eating Widow
+50% Death
+20% Ailment landing rate
Signature Skills:
Randomizer - 94
Support, Shot, Support Based, --, Cooldown 8 seconds, 20 MP/20 MAG
(100% Tarunda, 100% Makanda, 100% Rakunda, 100% Samanda)
Nervous Edge - 96
Nerve, Spin, Spell Based, 230 Modifier, Cooldown 6.5 seconds, 15 MP/15 MAG
(85% Bind)
Rangda of Illusion
Lvl 1 Fenme
Crit 5 Crit def 3
Weak: Elec, Force
Repel: All Physical
Drain: --
Negate: --
Resist: --
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
Evil Illusion
If Barong in same party:
+50 Close Range, +50 Spell, + 50 Long Range
Signature Skills:
*There is many other Illusion demons, just listing this one due to his much better resistances and interesting co-op Feature compared to regular version.
Red Rider

Lvl 58 Fiend
Crit 59 Crit def 18
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: Forc, Elec
Negate: Expel, Death, Magic, Nerve, Mind, Ice, Force, Elec
Resist: --
Death Soldier Exasperation
+30% Blunt
+30% Charge
+30% Slash
-40% Cool Time for all skills
Miserable Offspring of Death
+50 Crit
+30% Spin
+30% Ailment landing rate
Signature Skills:
Shockwave - 96
Elec, Spin, Spell Based, 220 Modifier, Cooldown 6.5 seconds, 15 MP/15 MAG
(70% Shock)
Repel Fire - 91
Reflects Fire based skills up to three times.
(Fire repel)

Lvl 89 Vile
Crit 30 Crit def 20
Weak: Elec
Repel: Expel, Death
Drain: --
Negate: --
Resist: Fire, Magic, Nerve, Mind
Fire Boost
+50% Fire
-50% Cool time for all skills
A Feather in the Wind
+20% Force
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
Spiteful Wings
+50% Magic
+LvL * 1 Support
+20% Ailment landing rate
Signature Skills:
God's Malice - 90
Almighty,Shot,Support Based,Modifier 60, Cooldown 20 seconds, 20 MP/24 MAG, Cannot be inherited, aoe
(50% Panic, 45% Muddle, 40% Paralysis, 35% Charm)

Lvl 35 Earth Element
Crit 30 Crit def 20
Weak: Ice, Nerve
Repel: --
Drain: Expel, Death
Negate: Expel, Death, Fire(50%)
Resist: Fire, Elec, Force
Dōso God
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Ameno-Uzume: +10 STR
Ferocious Stance
+25% Slash, +30% Blunt
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Susano-O: +10 STR
Noble Ground Cherry Lantern
+30% Fire
-50% HP cost for all skills
-30% Cool time for all skills
Signature Skills:
Lvl 96 Vile
Crit 30 Crit def 30
Weak: Slash, Charge, Penetrate, Fire
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Elec, Death, Nerve, Expel, Magic, Mind
Resist: --
Electric Boost
+50% Elec
A Feather in the Wind
+20% Force
Envy's Lunatic Whirlwind
+20% Force, +50% Elec, 0% HP cost for spins, +30% Spin
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
Wind Rider
Absorb force-based attacks at 1% for every XP earned.
Signature Skills:
MegidoFire I - 98
Almighty, Shot horizontal, Spell Based, Modifier 140, Incant 5 seconds, Cooldown 40 seconds, 40MP/180 MAG, Cannot be Inherited
MegidoFire II - 98
Almighty, Shot vertical, Spell Based, Modifier 150, Incant 5 seconds, Cooldown 40 seconds, 40MP/180 MAG, Cannot be Inherited
Force Booster X - 98

Lvl 97 Destroyer
Crit 35 Crit def 10
Weak: Suicide, Almighty
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Death, Magic, Nerve, Mind, Penetrate
Resist: Slash, Charge, Blunt, Handgun, Penetrate, Spread, Elec
Yōni samādhī
+10% Limit break occurrence if Parvati is in the party
Unmatched Force
+50% Close range damage
-50% Cool time for all skills
The Greatest Fruit
-100% HP cost for all skills
King of Dance
-100% HP cost for all skills
-100% MP cost for all skills
Signature Skills:
Divine Punishment - default
Almighty, Frontal Spin, Melee Based, Mod 10, 10% of the enemy HP, Cooldown 440 seconds, 20% HP/20% MP/250 MAG, Cannot be Inherited
(Damage boost against Law/Neutral and 100% Stone)
Melee Booster X - default
(+50% Close range)
Satisfaction 3 - default
(+250 crit)

Lvl 88 Destroyer
Crit 25 Crit def 30
Weak: --
Repel: Elec
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Death, Force(50%), Ice
Resist: Magic, Nerve, Mind, Slash, Handgun, Spread, Ice
Three Precious Children
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Amaterasu: +10 INT
Tsukuyomi: +10 MAG
Susano-O: +10 STR
Ferocious Stance
+25% Slash
+30% Blunt
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Susano-O: +10 STR
Thunderstorm of Raging Seas
+25% Charge
+25% Ice
+25% Elec
Signature Skills:
Hades Blast - 97
Charge, Spin, Melee Based + Spell Based + Long Range Based, 280 Modifier, Cooldown 25 seconds, 22% HP/10 MAG

Lvl 34 Heavenly God
Crit 25 Crit def 30
Weak: Magic, Mind, Nerve
Repel: Blunt(50%), Charge(50%), Blunt, Slash, Charge
Drain: --
Negate: Expel
Resist: Blunt, Slash, Charge, Death, Handgun, Penetrate, Spread
Step 32
- 30% HP cost for all skills
The Heavens
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Amaterasu: +10 STR
Omoikane: +10 MAG
Ameno-Uzume: +10 LCK
Strong Arm
+20% Blunt
Crushing Arm
+100% Blunt, +100 Crit
Signature Skills:[Accomplished]
Buddha's Palm - 82
Blunt, Rush, Melee Based, 230 Modifier, Cooldown 4 seconds, 8% HP, single
Lvl 42 Fairy
Crit 34 Crit def 34
Weak: --
Repel: --
Negate: Death, Force
Resist: Slash, Blunt, Charge, Handgun, Penetrate, Spread, Magic, Nerve, Mind
Step 32
-30% HP Cost
Ferocious Stance
+25% Slash, +30% Blunt
Fairy Assist
Craft Boost
Signature Skills:

Lvl 63 Nation Ruler
Crit 15 Crit def 30
Weak: Fire, Nerve
Repel: Charge, Elec
Drain: Fire(50%), Expel
Negate: Expel, Nerve(50%), Death
Resist: Magic, Death, Ice, Magic, Mind
The Fruits of Labor
-50% HP cost for all skills
Electricity Boost
+50% Elec
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Susano-O: +10 STR
Bushin's Authority
+25% Slash
+25% Fire
+25% Elec
+25% Force
Signature Skills:[Accomplished]
Hades Blast - 94
Charge, Spin, Melee Based + Spell Based + Long Range Based, 280 Modifier, Cooldown 25 seconds, 22% HP/10 MAG

Lvl 83 Fiend
Crit 28 Crit def 40
Weak: --
Repel: Death
Drain: Expel
Negate: --
Resist: Expel, Death, Magic, Slash, Blunt
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
Mind Induct
+50% Mind
Sorcery Torrent
-70% Cool time for all skills
-50% Cast time for all skills
+25% Almighty
Signature Skills:
Mahamaon - 93
Expel, Shot, Spell Based, 450 Modifier, Cooldown 300 seconds, 40 MP/24 MAG, aoe
(10% Instant Death)
Mamudoon - 91
Death, Shot, Spell Based, 450 Modifier, Cooldown 300 seconds, 40 MP/24 MAG, aoe
(10% Instant Death)
Lvl 91 Fiend
Crit 50 Crit def 30
Weak: Handgun, Penetrate, Spread
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Ice(30%)(Null), Elec(30%)(Null), Expel, Death, Magic, Mind, Nerve
Resist: Fire, Ice, Elec, Force
Boost of Four Gates
+25% Fire, Ice, Elec, Force
Sorcery Torrent
Incant - 50%, Cooldown - 70%
Greatest Wit
MP Cost 0
Musical Talent
+50% Nerve, Incant -30%
Signature Skills:
Mahamaon - 94
Expel, Shot, Spell Based, 450 Modifier, Cooldown 300 seconds, 40 MP, 24 MAG, aoe
(10% Instant Death)
Mamudoon - 94
Death, Shot, Spell Based, 450 Modifier, Cooldown 300 seconds, 40 MP/24 MAG, aoe
(10% Instant Death)

Lvl 70 Tyrant
Crit 29 Crit def 15
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Expel, Death, Magic, Nerve, Mind
Resist: Magic, Nerve, Mind
Magic Govern
-30% MP cost for all skills
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
Grudgeful Woman
+20% vs Female
Grudgeful Hag
+50% vs Female
-30% Cool time for all skills
Signature Skills:
Magic Blast - 85
Magic, Shot, Spell Based, 150 Modifier, Cooldown 0.1 seconds, 5 MP

Lvl 81 Evil Dragon
Crit 78 Crit def 64
Weak: Fire, Magic
Repel: --
Drain: Ice, Elec
Negate: Expel, Death, Elec
Resist: Charge, Spread
Rig Veda
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Brahma: Magic+10.
Vishnu: Speed+10.
Shiva: Strength+10
The Greatest Fruit
-100% HP cost for all skills
Electricity Boost
+50% Elec
Ice Boost
+50% Ice
Dragon King
+50% Ice
+30% Spin
-30% Cool time of Ice based skills
Signature Skills:
Freezing Booster - 94
(+25% Ice)

Lvl 97 Demon God
Crit 20 Crit def 30
Weak: --
Repel: Expel
Drain: Death
Negate: Death
Resist: Magic, Nerve, Mind, Fire, Ice, Elec, Force
Eternal Slumber
+10% Limit break occurrence if Ananta is in the party.
+50% Spell damage
-50% Cool Time for all skills
Greatest Wit
-100% MP Cost for all skills
Absolute Enlightenment
-100% MP Cost for all skills
-100% HP Cost for all skills
Signature Skills:
Divine Punishment - default
Almighty, Frontal Spin, Spell Based, Mod 10, 10% of the enemy HP, Cooldown 440 seconds, 20% HP/20% MP/250 MAG, Cannot be Inherited
(Boost damage against Chaos/Neutral and 100% Stone)
Satisfaction 3 - default
(+250 crit)

Lvl 47 Fairy
Crit 14 Crit def 20
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: Ice
Negate: Ice, Elec, Expel
Resist: Elec, Expel, Death, Magic, Nerve, Mind
Ice Boost
+50% Ice
Maiden of the Lake
+50% Ice, Lvl x 0.5% Support
Healing Type
+50% Curative
Fairy Assist
Craft Boost
Signature Skills:

Lvl 48 Dragon King
Crit 20 Crit def 20
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: Elec
Negate: Expel, Fire
Resist: Death, Nerve
Fire Eater
+lvl*0.1 Drain Fire
Fire Boost
+50% Fire
Jeweled Eye
-100% HP and MP cost for Fire based skills
-100% HP and MP cost for Electricity based skills
Signature Skills:
White Rider

Lvl 52 Fiend
Crit 53 Crit def 18
Weak: --
Repel: --
Drain: Magic, Nerve, Mind
Negate: Expel, Death, Magic, Nerve, Mind, Fire
Resist: --
Death Sky Exasperation
+30% Spread
+30% Handgun
+30% Penetrate
-40% Cast Time for all skills
Miserable Offspring of Death
+50 Crit
+30% Spin
+30% Ailment landing rate
Signature Skills:
Repel Ice - 91
Reflects Fire based skills up to three times.
(Ice repel)

Lvl 71 Godly beast
Crit 35 Crit def 50
Weak: Elec
Repel: Expel, Charge(30%), Slash, Handgun(50%)
Drain: Ice
Negate: Ice, Blunt(50%)
Resist: Fire, Death, Blunt, Handgun, Slash
Ice Boost
+50% Ice
Kenpo Kill
lvl * 1 Negate Blunt
Four Beast Gods
When these demons are in the party, the following attributes are raised.
Zhu Que: +10 MAG.
Qing Long: +50 MAX HP.
Bai Hu: +10 STR.
Xuan Wu: +10 VIT.
Snow Countryman
lvl * 1 Absorb Ice
Whiskers of Longevity
-50% Cast time of all skills
-50% Cool time of all skills
30% Chance to escape death if subjected to lethal damage
Signature Skills:
Freezing Booster - 80
(+25% Ice)
Yamata no Orochi

Lvl 75 Dragon king
Crit 28 Crit def 15
Weak: Elec
Repel: --
Drain: Charge
Negate: Death, Fire, Nerve(30%)
Resist: Magic, Ice, Handgun, Penetrate, Spread
Fire Boost
+50% Fire
Magic Torrent
+50% Magic
Surge of Roaring Billows
+30% Fire
+30% Ice
Signature Skills:
Eight-Headed Incineration - 98
Fire, Spin, Spell + Cls-r/2 Based, 190 Modifier, Cooldown 7.5 seconds, 1% MP/200 MAG, Cannot be inherited
(100% Burn)
Freezing Booster - 83
(+25% Ice)

Lvl 87 Fiend
Crit 37 Crit def 70
Weak: Blunt, Charge, Mind, Nerve
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Ice, Expel, Death, Nerve, Mind
Resist: Slash, Charge, Blunt, Magic
+20% Slash
lvl x 1% slash null
-50% Cool time for all skills
+30% Melee, Ranged and Magic damage, -50% Cast time for all skills
Signature Skills:
Power Save 2 - 93
(-20% HP cost)
Venom Zapper - 90
Slash, Rush, Melee Based, 170 Modifier, Cooldown 4 seconds, 10% HP, Inheritance requires weapon tag
(70% Poison)
Godspeed 2 - 95
-20% Incant and Cooldown
Hasso-Tobi - 92
Slash, Spin, Melee Based, 500 Modifier(HP based), Cooldown 6.5 seconds, 20% HP, Cannot be inherited
Clenching - 98
Passive skill that grants 50% chance to escape death if subjected to lethal damage. Cannot be inherited
Interception Yoshitsune
Lvl 10 Fiend
Crit 10 Crit def 10
Weak: Blunt, Charge, Mind, Nerve
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: --
Resist: Penetrate, Handgun, Expel, Death
+20% Slash
lvl x 1% slash null
-50% Cool time for all skills
Rhapsody of Youth
+10% Melee, Ranged and Magic damage
+50% MP and HP cost for all skills
Signature Skills:
Gojo-Ohashi Yoshitsune
Lvl 30 Fiend
Crit 30 Crit def 20
Weak: Blunt, Charge
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Death, Expel
Resist: Penetrate, Handgun, Slash
+20% Slash
lvl x 1% slash null
-50% Cool time for all skills
Butterfly Dance
+20% Magic damage
+1 Activation for dodge skills
Signature Skills:
Onslaught Yoshitsune
Lvl 50 Fiend
Crit 50 Crit def 30
Weak: Blunt, Charge
Repel: Charge(50%), Blunt(50%), Slash(50%)
Drain: --
Negate: Death, Expel
Resist: Penetrate, Handgun, Nerve, Mind, Spread, Slash
+20% Slash
lvl x 1% slash null
-50% Cool time for all skills
Glory of Valour
+30% Melee damage
+1 Activation for counter skills
Signature Skills:
Venom Zapper - 80
Slash, Rush, Melee Based, 170 Modifier, Cooldown 4 seconds, 10% HP, Inheritance requires weapon tag
(70% Poison)
Hasso-Tobi Yoshitsune
Lvl 70 Fiend
Crit 70 Crit def 40
Weak: Blunt, Charge
Repel: Charge(50%), Blunt(50%), Slash(50%)
Drain: --
Negate: Death, Expel, Nerve, Mind
Resist: Penetrate, Handgun, Magic, Spread, Slash
+20% Slash
lvl x 1% slash null
-50% Cool time for all skills
+30% Melee, Ranged and Magic damage, -50% Cast time for all skills
Signature Skills:
Power Save 2 - default
(-20% HP cost)
Venom Zapper - 85
Slash, Rush, Melee Based, 170 Modifier, Cooldown 4 seconds, 10% HP, Inheritance requires weapon tag
(70% Poison)
Hasso-Tobi - 90
Slash, Spin, Melee Based, 500 Modifier(HP based), Cooldown 6.5 seconds, 20% HP, Cannot be inherited

Lvl81 Dragon king
Crit 78 Crit def 64
Weak: Fire, Magic, Nerve, Mind
Repel: --
Drain: --
Negate: Ice, Elec, Force
Resist: Slash, Charge, Handgun, Spread
Elec Boost
+50% Elec
Force Boost
+50% Force
Flame Eater
lvl * 1% drain Fire
Mind Induct
+50 Mind
Rainbow Caller
+ 50% Mind
- 50% MP cost for Mind based skills
+ 30% Ailment landing rate
Signature Skills:
Tentarafoo - 97
Mind, Shot Frontal Spin, Spell Based, Modifier 180, Cooldown 10 seconds, 20 MP/20 MAG
(80% Panic)
Satisfaction 2 - 93
(+200 crit)
Force Booster - 94
(+25% Force)

Lvl44 Fenme
Crit 50 Crit def 30
Weak: Fire
Repel: Nerve
Drain: Ice, Death
Negate: --
Resist: Expel, Death, Nerve, Force, Magic
Ice Boost
+50% Ice
Nerve Boost
+50% Nerve
Cold Death
+30% ice
+30% death
+20% ailments
Signature Skills:
Seven Stars Beiji Weng

Lvl93 Reaper
Crit 50 Crit def 25
Weak: Fire
Repel: Nerve, Mind
Drain: --
Negate: Slash, Ice, Expel, Death, Magic
Resist: Charge, Handgun, Penetrate, Force, Elec
+20% Slash
Ice Boost
+50% Ice
Sorcery Torrent
Incantation - 50%, Coolwdown - 70%
Signature Skills:
Absolute Zero Sword - 94
Ice, Rush, Spell + 50% Close Range, Modifier 280, Incant 3 sec, 1% HP and 3 MP
(100% Freeze)
Mamuddon - 95
Death, Shot, Spell Based, 450 Modifier, Cooldown 300 seconds, 40 MP/24 MAG
(10% Instant Death)
Annihilation Slash - 96
Slash, Rush, Melee Based, Modifier 170, Cooldown 4 second, 10% HP
Chi You
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