Dungeon is Initiated by talking to DB Ayame, the main objective is to gather all the fragments of the Tablet of Destinies (Top, Middle and Bottom) by defeating the Fateless avatars Purski, Kingu and Anzu.
Numerous demons found within the run drop small Fragments of the Tablet of Destinies, these can be used to summon boss encounters, the more fragments used the harder the boss encounter (thus more XP).
Player is only required to defeat the three Fateless avatars in order to obtain the three main fragments of the tablet, DB Ayame appears afterwards and teleports the player out of the instance.
Fateless Purski, Kingu and Anzu can each drop their plug-in item, Fateless Wu Kong (randomly found in fragment encounters) can drop a plug-in item for a regular Wu Kong as well.
Other bosses (in the fragment encounters) drop special D eggs that are used to summon bosses of certain gold dungeon runs (4 elementals from Sugi, Thor from Celu, Cu Chulainn and Morrigan from Quartz and Byakko from Catacombs) on top of that, Fateless Wu Kong drops a D egg to summon another Fateless Wu Kong (thus raises odds of obtaining the plug-in item).
There is 15 minutes cooldown before player can do another run (it is not counted while logged out)
*In Mesopotamian mythology Anzu was a demonic bird who stole the Tablet of Destinies from god Enlil, an item rumored to be of such tremendous power it would make its bearer the ruler of the universe. In another version of this tale it is owned by Kingu, the champion of goddess Tiamat who is subsequently defeated by Marduk in order to reclaim it.
The event is obviously based on this tale.
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